0438 681 080

Welcome to Chamomile Natural Health

We are an inspired collective of community minded and talented health care practitioners. We offer Bellingen, Dorrigo and the greater Mid North Coast, our caring support on the path to your greatest well being.

Services at Chamomile

Bellingen & Dorrigo


Osteopathy is a wholistic manual therapy that works with the neuro-musculoskeletal aspects of the body. This includes working with the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and nervous system as well as the many relationships and connections between. Our aim as osteopaths is to help bring about balance in structure and function, and freedom of movement to the individual.

Osteopaths use many functional assessment techniques to find area’s and patterns of restriction, pain, discomfort or imbalance within the body. Osteopaths are also trained in clinical diagnostic techniques and a range of orthopaedic assessments to help inform appropriate management and treatment approaches.

Being a ‘hands on’ therapy, osteopaths use a range of techniques including massage, stretching, manipulation, articulation and other subtle practices such as craniosacral therapy to bring relief and help restore balance.

Osteopathy embraces the biopsychosocial nature of life. Acknowledging that we are more than our bodies and that our mental and emotional wellbeing as well as our environment (both physical and social) all have an impact on our health and wellbeing. With this wholistic approach, osteopaths can also guide you to explore other contributing factors that may have an impact on your presentation. This can include lifestyle factors, diet, stress management, body mindfulness, postural advise and home exercise programs.

Osteopaths can tailor their support to work with people of all ages, from newborn babies to the elderly, and everyone in between.

Naturopathic and Herbal Support

Naturopathy is an holistic approach to wellness based on the principle that our body’s have an inherent ability and desire to heal themselves. So what does that mean? Each of us with enough rest, good nutrition and time will be able to heal from many of lifes ailments and physical and emotional challenges. Our body’s are always giving their very best to maintain or return us to state of relative balance and harmony. Sometimes however it can all get a little too much and we need some help.

For those times when we find ourselves unwell and needing support, nurturing and guidance, as naturopaths we can use herbal medicines, tailored nutrition and physical therapies to help rebuild, reinvigorate and remove some of the obstacles to health, providing more space and resources for our body’s to mend and heal. 

The old saying prevention is better than cure is a corner stone of naturopathic practice. We can help people to optimise their health by finding ways of enjoying food while having it serve and support them. Providing regular physical maintenance and relaxation to allow for strong and active lives. Supporting mental and emotional health by encouraging empowered decisions to help create an enriched and inspired life and most importantly, helping people to discover self compassion and the ability to take time to nurture thems

Holistic Nutrition

Food is so many different things to so many people. At a fundamental level, food is about nourishing and supporting our body, providing fuel and building blocks so that we can be our best. Food is also importantly a wonderfully tasty and sensual way of connecting with the world around us, where ‘you are what you eat’ becomes a literal reality. Eating is such a big part of our daily lives that it is inevitably intricately interwoven for each of us, with a really diverse range of positive and negative physical, mental and emotional experiences. All of these facets of eating are important to us and constitute what we call holisitic nutrition.

Our sessions at Chamomile Naturopathy focus on helping our clients create a strong, healthy working relationship with food. Eating can be a healthy AND delicious experience and we aim to empower each person to find what works for them individually both now and to meet the ever evolving future nutritional needs.

Remedial Massage

Massage utilises human touch to help restore balance and harmony to the physical body and relax the mind.  We offer a range of massage treatments from calm, soothing relaxation to more tailored treatments focused on specific areas of injury or concern.

Each of our massage treatments helps dissolve restriction and discomfort, improve range of movement, increase circulation and lymphatic clearance. Massage is wonderfully beneficial for the nervous system. Except for a few exceptionally grounded people, we all move a little too fast these days. Remedial massage helps to soothe the nervous system, bringing the client back into their body and out of the hussel and bussel of everyday life. Our clients leave feeling relaxed and grounded. 

For those with ongoing injury, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sports injury and repetitive strain or overuse issues, we tailor treatments to work specifically towards addressing these concerns. Our focus is on finding and working with the underlying and primary causes of dysfunction while helping to alleviate pain and symptoms as we go.  

We'd like to introduce you to the Chamomile Natural Health team.

Dr Damian Harrison

Dr Damian Harrison

Osteopath, Naturopath and Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner

Damian is co-creator of Chamomile Natural Health. He weaves his wisdom as a naturopath and experience as a biodynamic craniosacral therapist into his wholistic osteopathic treatments. Damian enjoys working with people of all ages from babies to the elderly, tailoring his treatments to meet their unique health needs and goals.

A consult with Damian begins with a detailed history taking to help understand your total health picture. A physical assessment using movement, palpation and orthopaedic testing helps clarify what is going on physically for you and helps in formulation a plan of how best to approach your health concerns.

A treatment will involve hands on bodywork from craniosacral to osteopathic manipulation, negotiated and created together with the patient to meet their comfort and needs. Damian also loves to share his knowledge, helping to support and empower people in looking after their own health. As a part of this Damian may also prescribe simple home exercises, herbal medicines, nutritional advice and discuss supportive lifestyle changes.



Laura Harrison

Laura Harrison

Naturopath, Herbalist, Massage Therapist

Laura is co-creator of Chamomile Natural Health. She is a naturopath with 10 years experience. Laura works with everyone from babies to the elderly. Her passion with reproductive health has guided her to support women with period pain, in developing a healthy menstrual cycles, through fertility or challenges with fertility, pregnancy, post natal care and onwards in to the peri-menopause and menopausal years.

During the consultation, Laura will teach you about the different signs and symptoms your body uses to show you areas of imbalance. And with the loving guidance of herbs, nutritional supplements and wholistic food choices she will work with you to create an individualised treatment plan to best suit your health goals.

Laura offers mentoring for other naturopathic and herbalist students, practitioners and enthusiasts. These sessions can be both in person here in Bellingen, or online for those living afar.

Laura offers remedial, relaxation and pregnancy massage.





Lisa Bartley

Lisa Bartley

Remedial Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Zenthai Shiatsu

Lisa is passionate about the body and allowing its wisdom to be our guide. She has been practising bodywork for the past 10 years and draws upon Western and Eastern practises, combining knowledge of the structural and energetic body, to support people to feel calm, energised and whole.

Her main approach is in realigning the body through working with the musculoskeletal and craniosacral systems, meridians and acupressure, as well restoring balance in the nervous system.

When we release tension and stagnation, space is created. The body is able to realign to its natural centre, bringing greater health and resilience to body and mind. For bookings, please call 0403 269 682.

Elly Grenfell

Elly Grenfell

Clinical Nutritionist

Elly is a Clinical Nutritionist with a love for holistic health and a passion for getting to the root cause of chronic issues. Her work is all about using nutrition and lifestyle adjustments to tackle health problems at their source, not just treating the symptoms.

She take a holistic approach, looking at diet and lifestyle and their role on the body, physiological processes like metabolism, stress, inflammation, genes, oxygenation, and supporting cellular protection. To understand the full picture, she assess her clients body systems, giving them a voice, while digging down to the root cause and thoroughly assessing the gut microbiome.

Her first step is to really understand their health and lifestyle goals. This involves a detailed review of their medical history, medications/supplements, stress levels, sleep patterns, past family history,  gastrointestinal function, and symptomology. From there, she create personalised plans that address nutrient support, ensure balanced gut flora, and support overall healing.

Her areas of passion include gut health (from IBS to IBD and everything in-between), autoimmune conditions, neurotransmitter support, functional testing and pathology, neurodiversity (ASD/ADHD) nervous system support, and women’s hormonal health and supporting immune system and kids/family health.

She loves helping people understand how their diet and lifestyle choices impact their overall health. Her goal is to guide you through your wellness journey with personalised advice and support.

Food is Medicine. Optimising clients mental and physical health is her daily clinical drive.

For more information or to make a booking, follow the link to Elly’s website: https://healthandharmony.net.au

Bookings and Enquiries

Chamomile Natural Health Bellingen

4/87 Hyde St, Bellingen, NSW, 2454

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Health fund rebates are available for those with private health cover.

We look forward to connecting with you. To make an appointment or to explore how we can help, please contact us

0438 681 080


Chamomile Natural Health Dorrigo

Dorrigo Health and Wellbeing

1 Gangara Avenue, Dorrigo, NSW, 2453

Monday 9am to 5pm & Friday 8:30 until 12pm